A resident sentimentally gazes upon a wallet sized photo of a military man.

Maintaining Memory While Aging


Many changes accompany aging. We may feel weaker, may experience joint pain, and we may notice that our vision and hearing are deteriorating. Our memory also changes as we age. In this blog, we discuss common signs of memory loss, ways to decrease memory loss and provide information on when to see a doctor about Alzheimer’s or dementia. 

Is Memory Loss A Normal Part Of Aging?

If your loved one forgets where they have put their keys, or can’t remember what they had for lunch yesterday, they are probably experiencing average age-related memory loss. If your loved one forgets the function of their keys, or if they are not eating, then there may be something more intense than age-related memory loss happening. 

Common Signs Of Normal Age-Related Memory Loss:

  • It takes longer to remember things. 
  • There may be confusion around past and current dates and events.  
  • They may have delayed reaction times.  
  • An older individual may have issues speaking or may be forgetting words.  
  • An aging person may be unsure of the small details of everyday conversations. 
  • Any memory lapses they are experiencing are occasional and are not worsening. 

Are There Ways To Increase & Strengthen Memory? 

There are ways that you can help your loved one improve their memory. It is beneficial for older people to challenge their minds and lead a memory-healthy lifestyle. 

Ways To Improve Memory:

  • Sleep: Make sure that your loved one is sleeping well and has a consistent nightly routine. 
  • Meditation & Relaxation: Help your loved one to take time to rest and relax. 
  • Physical Activity: Working out is essential to the health of your loved one. 
  • Calendars: Your loved one may benefit from writing events down in calendars and planners.  
  • Association: Associating different smells or textures with specific memories is an excellent way to make the connection last in your loved one’s mind. 
  • Repetition: A good way to remember something is to repeat it. Ask your loved one to repeat important facts or essential information. 
  • Learn & Grow: Encourage your loved one to be involved in their hobbies. If they are interested in puzzles, or games like chess, play games with them. Buy them books and engage them in conversation.  

Is The Memory Loss A Form Of Dementia? 

It is vital to keep tabs on how memory loss is developing as your loved one ages. If you see significant declines, or you see that their memory impacts their daily living, schedule an appointment with your loved one’s primary care physician or a geriatric specialist. If you want to learn more about Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia, view the resources listed below. 

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Resources:

Culpepper Place is an assisted living facility located in Olive Branch, MS. We pride ourselves in encouraging our residents to engage in memory-strengthening activities. If you have questions about our facility, and how we can help your loved one, contact us.  


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