A man and two women have a pleasant conversation in a social area of the assisted living facility.

What are the Benefits of Assisted Living?


Assisted living facilities offer services to those who don’t require intensive medical care, but who still may need help with day to day activities. Though you may know what assisted living is, you may still have questions about how it can help you or a loved one. As you research your options, take a look at some of the assisted living benefits.

Adaptable to the needs of the resident

Whether a resident needs a moderate amount of help with personal care, or only needs minor assistance with daily tasks, assisted living care can be changed to reflect the needs of the resident. Assisted living is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and the individual needs of each resident are taken into account. Even if the needs of a resident change over time, care can be shifted to focus on new concerns.

Quick care in the event of an emergency

In the case of a fall or other major medical emergency, assisted living ensures someone is there so that proper medical care is called for immediately. Timeliness is of the utmost importance in medical emergencies, and living alone with no assistance can make the difference between getting the help needed in the right amount of time or not.

Activities and assisted living amenities

Assisted living facilities offer activities like exercise and wellness programs, speakers, crafts, shopping trips, leisure activities, and more.  Harvard Health Publications advises that in order to keep your mind sharp, keeping engaged is paramount. Not only does this make sure that your brain is staying hard at work, it means having something exciting and fun to do.

A strong sense of community

Sometimes growing older can mean losing dear friends, and while family is important, having peers close to the same age is also essential for one’s well-being. Social isolation and loneliness are found to be associated with higher mortality in men and women, meaning that being with others helps keep one happy and healthy. Assisted living activities offer the ability to attend community events and spend time in the company of others in the same age group.

Are you considering an assisted living facility for yourself or a loved one in Olive Branch, MS or in the Memphis metro area? Learn more about assisted living.

Please contact Culpepper Place today.

We’ll provide more helpful information on assisted living benefits, as well as details on Culpepper Place of Olive Branch, opening in the Spring 2018.


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Are you looking for a caring, compassionate, assisted living facility? You’re looking in the right place. Since 1955, Culpepper Place has cultivated an environment that prioritizes our resident’s health, happiness, and socialization. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.