

Culpepper Place provides monthly resources on the topic of assisted living and maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle while aging. Seniors, families, and caregivers can all benefit from reading the topics on the Culpepper Place blog.

If you’re transitioning into assisted living or know someone who is, there are plenty of posts that we’ve included that will help you and your loved one adjust with a sense of optimism. We cover topics such as how to discuss moving to an assisted living facility with your parent, the cost of in-home care v. assisted living, and how assisted living enhances quality of life. 

For caregivers, we have posts that cover caregiver guilt, dementia, and more.  

Of course, you’ll need to browse through our blog posts to find out more! We hope you enjoy reading the resources that we’ve created for you.

An amused female resident with her palms raised sits down for tea among others.

What is Long Term Care and Do I Need It?

Young people tend to think that they are invincible, that their age makes it impossible for anything bad to happen to them. Part of becoming older is learning that this is not the case and that our bodies will inevitably start to wear down after

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A balancing exercise is practiced between a resident and instructor.

Fall Prevention With Balance Exercises for Seniors

Balance exercises for seniors are extremely important. Improving strength and balance, especially as we age, is an excellent method of fall prevention. When a healthy young person falls down, it usually isn’t cause for alarm. However, as we age, a short fall can become exponentially

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